Description: this class is a level 3 and it was the base sequence for my fire classes that I taught from 2023-04-25 to 2023-05-10
Seated intro
Low crunches with blocks between knees x5
Back on the mat, scapulas lifted, fingers interlaced behind head, 90 degrees at the hips and at the knees, lower legs to skim the mat moving at the hips
Hold low navasana
Knees to chest (Apanasana), round back, roll back and forth,
Chair (Utkatasana)
Tadasana (Intention)
Surya namaskara A (San Salute A) - L+R
Step back to lunge
Twisted lunge
Extend top arm forward
Continue the movement with top arm, until you can join palms under front thigh
Modified vinyasa (check below for vinyasa sequence)
Lifted pigeon coming forward, before stepping in lunge
Surya namaskara A
tip-toe back from uttanasana (standing forward fold) to plank
modified vinyasa
AMS (Adho Muka Svanasana, downward facing dog)
warrior I and/or II (virabhadrasana I / II)
or sequence of standing poses
if time and tiredness allow
walk through and come to sitting
dandasana (staff pose)
transition to supine pose on the mat
dandasana -> lowering back the torso -> all the way down
navasana -> ardha navasana
bridge prep
progression of the following options
active bridge following the breath.
Add arms and crunches if possible
active figure 4 twist
legs extended toward the ceiling
place selected leg in figure 4
lower legs opposite to leg in figure 4
rest on the floor the foot of the leg bent
extended leg lifted from the floor
active figure 4 bridge
supine on the mat
lift to dandasana one vertebra at the time
floating dandasana play time
plank pose
modified vinyasa
progression of the following options - L+R
lifted pigeon
lifted pigeon with jump switch
lifted pigeon with leg raise
conclude surya
Surya namskara A in figure 4
perform a simple surya namaskara a with one leg in figure 4
do not flip toes
classic vinyasa
Surya namaskara B
pigeon prep pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
restorative version if night class
Simple back bends
simple twist
Modified vinyasa
walks feet back
forearms plank
forearms headstand dolphine
forearms headstand prep
forearms headstand
forearms plank
UMS (Urdhva mukha svanasana, Upward facing dog)
AMS (Adho mukha svanasana, Downward facing dog)
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Header picture: Original
Header inspired by a special encounter while running in the forest in Germany.